Who do you think are better, men or women?

2013-10-03 7:11 pm
I think women.

回答 (25)

2013-10-03 7:17 pm
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In a normal civilized society men and women naturally complement each other. She can do what he can't, he can do what she can't.
Nobody is "better" or "worse".
Stop dividing people into "us" and "them", it's childish and ignorant.
We've been created to help each other, not fight.
2013-10-04 2:13 am
2013-10-04 2:15 am
Are you trying start a riot?
2013-10-04 2:14 am
Hmm trying to spark a debate are we, similar to that of sexist yahoo articles.
2013-10-04 2:14 am
2013-10-05 4:27 am
Women. Men are much more frequently criminals, war mongers, killers, terrorists etc. Women usually have better morality and think more. Men are more rash and impulsive usually. Women tend to live longer if they aren't with men. Men are destructive to relationships, etc. It's nearly all men in the terror zone. Women usually leave these men as they don't want to be part of that. They prefer the peaceful existance. Men always feel they have to prove to be masculine or be beaten up by other men. They are a threat to themselves and others.
2013-10-05 4:10 am
Women. The **** we have to go through is harder. Afterall its a 'man's world we live in'
2013-10-04 8:05 am
Women are inferior even to animals
2013-10-04 2:59 am
Better in relation to what? Your question is too open.
2013-10-04 5:00 am
Eh men, what are you basing your answer on. Im basing mine on the fact we're more charming, funny, innovating, bigger and stronger mentally and physically. THe cleverest people in the world are men, 98% of the things in the world have been invented by men. Even things where women are supposedly better like cooking, the best cooks in the world are men. Now, your turn........
2013-10-04 2:11 am
I think pandabears.
2013-10-05 12:13 pm
Better for what??? Better at what??
2013-10-05 6:15 am
at what? like it or not they both need each other.
2013-10-04 8:20 pm
Equal..like cathode and anode..one no way to produce anything..
2013-10-04 8:05 pm
You would only be generalising to answer this.
2013-10-04 5:32 pm
Water is the best.
2013-10-04 4:00 pm
2013-10-04 3:39 pm
Obviously you think women are better. You're a female. But in actuality neither are better in general. If you truly believe women are better, not only are you sexist, but you're unbelievably egotistical and narcissistic
2013-10-04 1:05 pm
Devalue yourself by asking that question, Imagine a world without the other gender. If one better than the other, which mean you agree that the other gender don't need to exist, if it doesn't need to exist, you wouldn't exist.
Those who actually genuinely pick one gender over the other, you are no better than this person.
2013-10-04 5:58 am
I believe panfabears too! :-D
2013-10-05 1:54 am
Women are better at some things, like breast feeding and men are better at some things, like manual labor.

2013-10-04 10:55 pm
i think men because we don't ask such sexist questions just to start battle of the sexes
2013-10-04 5:45 am
... My big toe says slugs
2013-10-04 4:06 am
Your sexist.
2013-10-04 2:15 am

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