
2013-10-04 6:14 am

1. 做數學老師最容易既路係咪入教院?如果有其他方法既相對下有咩唔同?

2. 做小學數學老師同中學數學老師 條路有咩分別?

3. 我只係讀左MATHS CORE, 冇讀M1/M2 係咪比較難入?

4. 有人話做數學老師一定要有學士學位,係咪真架?咁點先有,定係教院課程入面已經有

5. 如果我要入教院,想做數學老師,應該揀D咩


回答 (3)

2013-10-05 12:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes for primary education. No for secondary education.

Usually secondary schools will prefer a Mathematics teacher with strong science background.

2. Very different.

3. It depends. You can see if you can do a minor in Mathematics as well.

4. Usually yes.

5. This one:


2013-10-05 01:57:54 補充:
1. Go to a regular university instead of HKiED and either major or minor in Mathematics (major has a better chance to be hired).

This is the least.

2. Pay (Your salary) and stress

4. I don't understand what you mean.

2013-10-08 02:57:51 補充:
This is something I can't answer you.

You are Form 6 and you don't know the path to get a Bachelor? Are you really kidding me?

2013-10-09 04:45:51 補充:
Ask your teacher.
2013-10-09 3:05 am
做小學數學老師同中學數學老師 條路有咩分別?
  中學老師薪水多好多,但可能會對住一班好bad or good but boring嘅學生。但小學生面厭得黎有個模。

我只係讀左MATHS CORE, 冇讀M1/M2 係咪比較難入?
  中學老師糸require M2嘅..


2013-10-04 6:22 am

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