Please help me out-serious answers only?

2013-10-03 5:17 am
1. Girl just got out of a four-year relationship five months ago.

2. Girl and I are physically attracted to one another, and our comfort level is that of best friends, even though we have known one another for three months. She tells me things easily. She told me the other day that she thinks I'm hot; we both want sex, but I know she's not ready.

3. The other day she said she's confused; doesn't get "fairy-tale" vibes from me; but believes we will either fall in love or be best friends. She isn't ready right now. Her emotions are all over the place; she freaks out when she kisses anyone.

Is she not getting fairy-tale vibes because she is emotionally not ready for anything, or does she not see me in that light.

回答 (2)

2013-10-03 5:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
i would suggest she does not feel the spark and if its not there it will never be so remain friends and look for romance elsewhere
2013-10-03 12:26 pm
My hunch is that she just doesn't see you in that light. If it was just that she wasn't ready, then she probably would still be getting "fairy-tale vibes" but wouldn't want to act on them yet.

It could be that she's just lonely and that you're a nice guy, so maybe she's kind of attracted to you because she misses her ex, but she's not really attracted to you . . . maybe.

Right now, all you can do is wait and see. If nothing else, you'll still probably become very good friends.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:58:23
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