whos responsible for Michael Jacksons dope problem?

2013-10-03 2:51 am
I get so tired of people trying to blame everyone else for a celebrities dope problems.
They may provide the dope for them but the taking of that dope is the celebrity themselves.
If it's a normal guy off the street we call him a degenerate

回答 (6)

2013-10-03 5:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He was responsible for his own actions.
No one forced him to take anything.
Same goes for everyone else.
2013-10-05 6:22 pm
Bottom line ... Michael Jackson you help control your own destiny.
2013-10-03 8:54 pm
No one forced Michael to abuse drugs, he did that on his own.
2013-10-03 4:49 pm
Michael jackson
2013-10-03 9:52 am
Michael Jackson was always a dope why would you blame anyone else?
2013-10-03 9:52 am
Yes - the train-wreck which was Michael Jackson really doesn't need to be blamed on some doctor. Luckily now they sprung the doctor - he's off the hook.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:57:06
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