Can extreme anxiety cause infections?

2013-10-02 9:56 pm
I'm fairly sure I have some form of anxiety disorder, whether that be generalised anxiety or OCD (which I know I have but am not sure to what extent). I've noticed recently, or since I've been much more stressed- since November last year- that as well as palpitations (which often coincide with tiredness), grinding my teeth sub-consciously and a not irregular but worse and more painful menstrual cycle, I keep getting minor and not so minor infections in the skin around my fingernails, which tends to flake off. The flaking has been happening for years, but the infections are new. Is this to do with the anxiety?

回答 (6)

2013-10-02 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Having extreme anxiety can lower your bodies immune system, and make you feel unwell overall. Anxiety itself cannot give you an infection, but the toll it can take on your body is worth considering.
參考: Had anxiety myself.
2016-03-12 10:17 am
If you get fever, severe back and hip pain, burning in urination, cloudy urine or bloody urine you should go to the doctor. Im having the same. I am always worrying of going blind. You are not going to die.
2014-08-03 6:37 pm
Hey there,
There are many books and resources about anxiety, social phobia, etc. (I think I bought all of them). A good resource you can try is this online program (audio files ebook). It's helping me a lot (I suffer from sever anxiety disorder myself).
I hope it helps
2013-10-02 10:48 pm
So many yahoo answers give info but not solutions.
Go to a dr., tell him about your severe anxiety and ask for meds to end the anxiety. You are suffering needlessly.
2013-10-02 10:46 pm
no, usually not
to relax and calm yourself breathing is important, you should avoid rapid shallow panting and breathe deep and slow. dont tense up or fight back against your stress, fear or anxiety. accept it all and stay relaxed, have a stretch often and breathe deep a nd slow
dont forget to breathe if concentrating hard
google diaphram breathing
2013-10-02 9:59 pm
Anxiety can reduce your immune system's health, thus making it easier to get infections.

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