Is it considered good manners now to visit and bring your animal with you wherever you go?

2013-10-02 12:55 pm
I must be missing something,when did this start? I prefer not to have animals in my house,yet all my friends who are dog lovers won't visit without them,is that fair?

回答 (15)

2013-10-02 12:59 pm
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The people bringing their pets should ask if it is alright with the homeowner in advance. Not everyone likes their pets and some people have allergies. It is inconsiderate of pet owners to expect everyone else to think of their pets as part of their family or their children.
2013-10-02 8:00 pm
I would never expect to take my dogs with me to visit people... and 'when did this start'... in my book it hasn't. I think you are right, and I believe it is considered BAD manners to expect to take dogs with you to other people's houses.
2013-10-02 8:03 pm
No what would be good manners is to ask the homeowner if it is okay to bring the animal into their home.

You have a right to not want pets in your home. And many people these days seem to see their pets as "children" that cannot go 10 minutes alone.
2013-10-02 9:08 pm
No. Respect and consideration for the feeling and household rules of other people is.

Good manners is not imposing what you want on whoever you are vising and making the visit conditional of the dog being allowed or not asking and turning up expecting the dog to be made welcome or at least tolerated.

My dogs stay at home unless the person I am visiting expressly includes the dog in the invitation or the reason for the visit is because of the dog, for instance when I returned to visit the breeder of my female Doberman.
2013-10-02 8:55 pm
If you do not want dogs in your house just tell your friends that you have a "no dogs in the house rule" and they must leave their dogs at home if the wish to visit you. It is your house and they should respect your wishes. I do not find it an unreasonable request. Many people do not want dogs in their houses.
2013-10-02 8:46 pm
I only bring my dog to people's home that have dogs. They have a large kennel in back and the dog stays there. No you do not bring dog into peoples homes. Not good manners. Same could be said about unruly kids...
2013-10-02 8:00 pm
They have no business bringing their animals to your home. That is self centered, thoughtless, and just plain bad manners. My mother is that way too. She doesn't understand that I don't want her dog in my home.
2013-10-02 8:10 pm
I think that people should ask first. My sister in law wont let me bring my dog with me when I visit. She doesn't love dogs at all. I love my dog and wish that I could take him to friends houses.
參考: Long time dog owner
2013-10-02 9:13 pm
No it's not good manners. Anybody with a dog should ask before just walking into a home, even one where there are nother dogs (or maybe especially!!). It's not a question of 'not fair', but it's just bad manners, just as lighting up in a non-smoking home would be.

I know it's hard, but if you have friends who assume you won't mind, you'll just have to tell them you do - even if it means losing that friend!!!
2013-10-03 2:10 am
No, but you certainly see it everywhere.

My dog is good, well-behaved, and if she does something that I consider inappropriate; if she does, she gets corrected (which does not mean I beat her). But I don't take her to stores unless dogs or welcome and I would never take an uninvited dog to someone's home. People are allergic, some people are afraid of dogs, some people have children who are not used to animals, and it's just not polite.

I got annoyed today; I saw someone with a purse dog on a leash coming out of Hobby Lobby. If I had taken my border collie mix in with me, the manager would have asked me to leave.
2013-10-03 12:32 am
IMO you don't just "invite" the animal into a house without permission from the house owner. I have no idea how this kind of thing started, but I would tell your friends they are welcome but leave their pet at home.

If they don't want to do this, find new friends. That is just plain rude IMO. I don't take my pets with me all the time and I do not appreciate or accept other pets in my house unless we give permission (which is rare since we do have just cats now).
2013-10-02 11:51 pm
No, it isn't fair for them to bring their dogs to your home without asking. If you tell them you said no and they bring them then they are showing you they don't value your friendship as much as their own happiness and convenience.
2013-10-02 10:13 pm
I only take my dogs where they are wanted. I would never take a dog to a home where it hasn't been invited, that's just rude. If they truly are your friends you should tell them outright that the dog is not welcome in your home. If they get put out, oh well, they aren't true friends if they are so inconsiderate about your feelings.
2013-10-02 9:26 pm
No, it's not considered good manners, it is considered QUITE the OPPOSITE! I have two dogs so I myself am not bothered. Before I got my lovable companions we had a "no dogs in the house rule." If it was cold outside, like a Christmas party, and they brought their dogs, the dogs went in the isolated garage. If it was perfectly nice outside, they remained outdoors with lead on.

@Awkward (or whatever your name will be in the future) ~ No. If you take your dogs with you uninvited to someone's house that means you don't give a sh*t about them. I would not ALLOW you to visit me if you let your dogs trample in my household and I had a no dogs allowed rule. In fact - if you refused to visit me because of my rule I would be very pleased!
2013-10-02 7:57 pm

It means they are taking good care of their dogs.

I won't visit you...

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