
2013-10-03 3:01 am
I( C ) love a boy( E ) in my class , he loves me too ,but 2 girl (W , J ),others said
( E )don't love me ,love ( W,J )

what should I do ?

回答 (2)

2013-10-03 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
all you can do is prepare yourself... but keep loving him...
it hurts but in time will heal...
remember to hang out with friends more and don't focus too much on him la...
generation change... sigh...
1) family love
2) friends love
3) bf/gf love

lets see how much more i will need to learn through this life... ;)

anyway all the best! :-)
2013-10-03 10:16 pm
what should I do ?
just keep the pot boiling & swim with the current + let nature take its course.

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