rate of changes

2013-10-03 2:30 am
1. a stone is thrown from the edge of a bridge that is 48 ft above the ground with an initial velocity of 32 ft/s. the height of this stone above the ground t s seconds after it is thrown is f(t)=-16t^2+32t+48. if a second stone is thrown from the found, then its height above the ground after t seconds os given by g(t)=-16t^2+vt,where v is the initial velocity of the second stone. determine the value of v so that both stones reach the same height.

回答 (2)

2013-10-03 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案

height of first stone :

f(t) = -16t^2 + 32t + 48
f'(t) = -32t + 32
f''(t) = -32 < 0 ; that means when f'(t) = 0, the function is a max.

when f'(t) = 0
0 = -32t + 32
t = 1

f(1) = -16(1)^2 + 32(1) + 48 = 64

g'(t) = -32t + v

when g'(t) = 0 ; let the time t be tm
0 = -32tm + v
v = 32tm

max. height of the second stone = 64
64 = -16tm^2 + (32tm) tm
64 = 16tm^2
tm = 2

v = 32tm = 64
2013-10-03 2:51 am
f'(t)=0 => t=1
f''(t)=-32 < 0
max f(t)=f(1)=64

g'(t)=-32t + v
g'(t)=0 => t = v/32
g''(t)=-32 < 0
max g(t) = g(v/32) = -16(v/32)²+v(v/32) = v²/32-v²/64 = v²/64

For max f(t)=max g(t), v²/64=64
v² = 64²
v = 64 (+ve)

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