中轉英, 急,20分

2013-10-02 6:20 pm
A 公司向B公司購買車輛, 但因B公司加價而取消交易, 所以B公司賠償$10萬比A公司作補償。


回答 (12)

2013-10-03 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
中轉英A 公司向B公司購買車輛, 但因B公司加價而取消交易, 所以B公司賠償$10萬比A公司作補償。
Company A entered into an agreement to buy cars from Company B. The deal was later called off because Company B wanted to increase the price. As a result, they had to paid $100,000 indemnity to Company A to compensate for their loss.
2013-10-06 1:47 am
Company A to company B to purchase vehicles, but cancelled due to b companies traded, so B company for $100000 for the A company compensation.
參考: 字典
2013-10-03 1:25 pm
A 公司向B公司購買車輛, 但因B公司加價而取消交易, 所以B公司賠償$10萬比A公司作補償。

Formerly A company placed an order to purchase vehicle from B autodealer, but that order was cancelled later due to raise in price, hence B autodealer should compensate A company with an amount of $100,000.xx dollars for breaking that order.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975
2013-10-03 11:23 am
Company B is buying vehicles from Company A, yet Company B failedto fulfill the financial obligations and consequently Company A had cancelledthis transaction. The final dispositionis Company B had to paid $10,000 to Company A for compensation.
2013-10-03 5:24 am
Company A buys cars from company B. However, company B rises the price and end the business transactions.So company B need to pay 10 thousand for company A as a indemnification.
2013-10-03 3:10 am
Company A to Company B the purchase of vehicles, but Company B increases and cancel the transaction, so the compensation of Company B than A $ 100,000 as compensation for the company.
2013-10-03 1:51 am
Company A to company B to purchase vehicles, but cancelled because of B fare deals, so company B compensation $10 compensation than A company.
參考: 自己
2013-10-03 1:02 am
Company A to Company B the purchase of vehicles, but Company B increases and cancel the transaction, so the compensation of Company B than A $ 100,000 as compensation for the company.
參考: Google
2013-10-02 8:30 pm
A favourable reply from point of view from CompanyB to CompanyA:as eg:-
-------Private and Confidential----
Dear Sirs,
---With regard to CompanyA to CompanyB's purchase of vehicles but cancelled because of CompanyB's raised fare deals, CompanyB hereby gives a compensation $100,000 to CompanyA.
--------------------------Yours faithfully,
--------------------------(----------& Co.B)
2013-10-02 6:24 pm
Regarding the purchase of vehicles from Company B, Company A called off the deal because of Company B raised the price, as a result Company B made a compensation of $100,000 to Company A.

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