GTA 5冇上網

2013-10-02 4:26 am
我想買個ps3黎玩gta5 但係我屋企冇上網 會唔會裝唔到/有咩玩唔到?

回答 (2)

2013-10-03 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果無上網的話,會玩唔倒gta 5入面既gta online,但唔影響單機游戲。
建議你整埋上網因為gta online勁好玩,可以同其他玩家一齊打劫,一齊打網球之類。
參考: me
2013-10-07 1:09 am
You shouldn't get a PS3 to play GTA V. It runs at 30 FPS and will be really laggy sometimes.Instead, you should go build a PC and wait for the PC release which will come very soon. If you don't have Internet access, you can't play the game online and you won't be able to access the interior of some buildings, which is only available in the online mode of the game.
參考: Duh, nothing.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:44:15
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