
2013-10-02 12:20 am

回答 (5)

2013-10-02 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because one is the American pronunciation, while the other is British style.
There are also words which most people mispronounced, and has gradually become accepted, so they are widely used and barely anyone know that they are wrong. eg. Discount (the one on E dictionary is right, and the are NO other ways to pronounce, just that the ENTIRE world doesn't know the right pronounciation, even the teachers,
Hope that I can help you ^^

2013-10-02 20:17:48 補充:
Both of them can be found ^^
hope that I can help you XP
2013-10-02 1:27 pm

1. 各地(英、美、澳洲、新加坡)發音不同。例如英、美的 dancing 這個字發音便不一樣。

2. 一些外國字(例如法文)被人誤當為英文字而發音。例如 encore 這個法國字應讀為「安 core」,但絕大部份人讀為「en-core」 。

3. 讀錯!例如 herb 裡的 h 是不發音的,應讀 erb。但很多人照讀 herb。又如 skype,很多人錯誤地把最後的 pe 讀出來便是錯的。
2013-10-02 8:05 am
2013-10-02 1:35 am
參考: 自己
2013-10-02 12:42 am

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