請翻譯以下 simple english

2013-10-01 11:23 pm
請翻譯及解釋, 謝謝^^

1, 我而家先收工

2, 我今日下午三點先食午飯

3, 尋晚你地最後幾點先收工 ???

4, 你食左早餐未 ??

5, 你食左晚飯未 ???

除左翻譯, 亦有 tense 的成份, 另外, 小弟亦好想知(我而家先至點點點.....)中文既 "先" 响英文係點講 ??? thx~

回答 (4)

2013-10-02 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
講句子表達是要配合情境的說法,唔一定係有一個獨定的”先”字配所有情景 1. 1, 我而家先收工
I just got off work.(已經離開公司走了) / I am just about to get off work.(仍未走但即刻便放工走人了)
[OFF WORK是收工/放工的簡化英語詞組-其他leave work / get off from work / get out of work等都是較多字數,”先”這裏暗示亦有兩種可能性啦]
2, 我今日下午三點先食午飯
I didn’t have lunch until 3 O’clock/pm.

3, 尋晚你地最後幾點先收工 ???
[這句的”先”可說可有可無的,附加了暗示問他最終…才…]So, what time did you eventually leave last night?

4, 你食左早餐未 ??
Have you had breakfast yet?

5, 你食左晚飯未 ???Have you had dinner/supper yet?[同上]
2013-10-02 11:15 am
1, I just got off from work. 2, I ate my lunch at three this afternoon. 3, What time did you get off from work last night? 4, Have you eaten your breakfast yet? 5, Have you eaten your dinner yet?
2013-10-02 5:37 am
1. 這句"先"是加強語氣, 是想强調你早己收工, 但遲了
I've just finished working. 這句應可以, 用"just"去述說你剛收工, 如果要再加强, 可用 : oh my god, I've just finished working.
2. 這個"先" 同上一句一樣性質, 因為遲了食午飯
I had the lunch very late, till three o'clock today.
3. 這個"先"的意思是"才可以"
What is the final time you guys can leave here (the working place and go back home) last night?
4. Have you had you breakfast?
5. Have you had your dinner already?

"先"在中文都有好多不同的用意, 你要知道你要帶出什麼意思, 這個"先"字並不是名詞, 你不可以用一個英文字去講。
2013-10-02 12:18 am
1. I have just get off form my duty.

2. Today, I have lunch at three o'clock.

3. I wonder when did the latest person get off form the duty?

4. Have you eaten your breakfast yet?

5. Have you eaten your supper yet?

There is no such word to present "先"
because we need to translate it with the whole sentence meaning.
Each time we have to see the meaning of the sentence to determinate use what word to
present "先"

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