Chemistry Question!FAST!!!!!!!

2013-10-01 10:05 pm
1) How does the volume of a solid change when it is heated ? Explain your answers.

2) Joan is heating with some soup. Explain why the smell of soup gets stronger as the liquid warms up .

QUestion 1 --- need 3 points to ans the question Question 2 --- need 4 points to answer the question Use English Please!!!

回答 (1)

2013-10-01 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 當受熱時,固體中的粒子會增強了震動情度,粒子間的距離變遠,物體便膨脹了。

2. 溶質的氣化是需要吸收能量的,加熱可使更多的溶質粒子氣化,氣味便強烈了。

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