help me write

2013-09-30 12:07 am
the topic is<An extra public holiday>

回答 (3)

2013-09-30 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
If there is an extra public holiday, I hope it will be a memory of all people round the world. Of course, a meaningful one.
I hope that it would be "World's Charity Day".
Many people from our world suffer from different conditions: bad hygiene, famine, illness... they always feel helpless because many people neglect these problems. They never care about thing around them nor lend others helping hand.
The "World's Charity Day" would be the best day to promote our unity and help people in need. In addition, it can also broaden our horizons as we can learn more about the misfortune of people behind our wonderful world.
This is a beneficial public holiday, which will broaden our knowledge and help others in the meantime. What do you think?
2013-10-01 1:26 pm
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2013-09-30 1:37 am
I woke up to the violent pitter-patter sound against my window. I looked sleepily at the alarm clock on my beside cabinet, which read 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It took me a while to realize that it was monday and I was supposed to wake up much earlier for school.

I freaked out, mentally cursing my mom for not waking me up. I jumped out from my bed and grabbed my school uniform. After throwing on my uniform, I rushed to the bathroom and tidied up myself before running out to the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, was my mom, who was cooking the breakfast while humming a song.

"Mom! Why didn't you wake up for school?!" I yelled at her anxiously. 'Oh god, the teacher's going to kill me!' I thought.

"Oh my! Dear, why are you in your school uniform?" She said after glancing at my getup. I blinked twice, before answering,

"What do you mean? Isn't there school today?" I looked at the calander again, confirming further that it was Monday.

"You don't have to go to school today because of the red rainstorm signal. Aren't you happy?" She smiled at me before turning back to cook breakfast.

I felt so stupid that moment, rushing to school when it was a holiday. I changed back into my casual wear, plopping down onto the sofa. I turned on the television and kept on pressing the remote to change the channel as there wasn't anything interesting.

After eating breakfast, I went back to my room, wondering what should I do for the rest of the day. 'Hm... I can't go out because of the rain..... Maybe I should text Aila,' I thought and took out my phone but Aila wasn't online.

'Great... Now what can I do...?' I thought. 'Perhaps I should play video games.'

I turned on my Playstation and played a racing game but soon got bored of it. The rest of the day was boring too. I was just lazing around until dinner and went to sleep. To summarize the day, it was boring and meaningless.

I sighed, maybe having an extra holiday isn't that fun after all.

求其作的而且還長得要刪字, 對不起
參考: me

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