F.4 Maths

2013-09-29 8:28 pm
A piece of 32 cm lng wire is cut into two different parts. Each part is bent to form a square as shown in the figure. If the total area enclosed by by two squares is 40cm^2, find the lengths of two parts of the wire.

Answer are 8cm, 24cm

回答 (1)

2013-09-29 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
X + Y = 32(a)

(X/4)^2 + (Y/4)^2 = 40(b)

from (a)

Y = 32-X put into (b)

(X/4)^2 + [(32-X)/4]^2 = 40

Solve it.

2013-09-29 12:56:58 補充:
rearrange gives : X^2 + (32-X)^2 = 640
X^2 + 1024 - 64X + X^2 = 640
2X^2 - 64X +384 = 0
X^2 - 32X + 192 = 0

use -b +- root(b^2 ........

Gives X = 24 or 4

2013-09-29 12:58:48 補充:
then X = 24 Y = 8

24/4 = 6
8/4 = 2

6^2 + 2^2 = 40

X = 4 Y = 28 does not fit and has to be rejected.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 20:33:13
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