i want a long game (longer than skyrim)?

2013-09-28 1:02 pm
i want a game that's longer than skyrim, i finished most of the quests in just 2 weeks (well... i added a code to speed up 20 times when needed) so, i want a long game that can last me for at least 2 months, but this time, i don't want games that are 1/2 person, so GTA wouldn't work, what i mean is that it would be something curser based or something like FEZ; because i start to get dizzy if i play in 1/2 person for a long time, so any? PC LIMITED
1st person gaming = to can't see the character when playing, you look into their eyes (black ops)
2nd person gaming= you mouse the mouse your view changes (assassin's creed)
3rd person gaming = you are playing in a stable view, there are layers but not actual depth to it, (FEZ, skulls of shogun, deathspank)

all i did what sped up the game because it was just tooooooo slow,please just answer my question

回答 (6)

2013-09-28 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sacred 2.
Oblivion and Skyrim were garbage rpgs. Morrowind actually had a good story line, even if it was a rip off of Dune.
2013-09-29 9:28 am
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt & Runescape. It took me pretty long to finish them.
You could try other Elder Scrolls games or move on to the Fallout series or Borderlands series.
2013-09-29 12:02 am
desert bus
2013-09-28 8:08 pm
What's the point if your just going to put in codes?
2013-09-28 8:07 pm
The game of Life. It's never boring if you're good at it and it can last years!
2013-09-28 11:00 pm
Okay first of all, if you've only played 2 weeks of skyrim I guarantee you did not complete "most of the quests" I've logged over 500 hours into this game, and I still find new quests from time to time. And I estimate I've only mapped out about 80% of them. You may have completed the story, and even all of the different factions quest lines(The Companions, The Theives Guild, The Dark Brotherhood, The Mages Guild, and the Civil war quests) But your nowhere near done, I promise you. Also, using codes is disrespectful to the game IMO, Skyrim is about immersion, plug in some head phones and turn down the lights. It's a great game if you really enjoy it.

Honestly,I can't think of anything longer then Skyrim. It just has so many things to do, build, buy and decorate houses, get married, adopt kids, explore ruins you never even seen before, hunt dragons, learn all the shouts, and I haven't even scratched the service of everything you can do. Your not going to find a longer game the skyrim, because you really don't know how long skyrim is.

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