✔ 最佳答案
1.Where can you always find money when you look for it?
(In the dictionary)
當你想找『錢』時,哪邊總是能找得到?(字典)[因為字典一定找得到『錢』這個字。] 2. What belongs to you, but is used more by other people?
(Your name)
什麼東西是屬於你的,但是別人使用的次數比你多?(你的名字) 3.I fall in water. Please guess one word.
我掉入水中,請猜一字。(服務生。)[wa+I+ter=英文的服務生] 4.There is a family with ten brothers in it. Each brother has a sister. How many children are there in the family?
這個家庭有10個兄弟。每個兄弟都有一個妹妹,請問這個家庭到底有多少小孩子?(11個)[因為大家的妹妹都是同一個] 5.Why is nine afraid of seven?
Because seven ate (eight) nine.
為何九會怕七?(因為七會吃九)[我們數英文數字時,是seven, eight, nine,發音上有點像seven ate(吃的過去式,音同eight) nine。] 6.What word is always pronounced wrong?