請英文高手指教, 想話人做事成舊雲咁英文點講???

2013-09-28 6:36 pm

回答 (5)

2013-09-28 8:28 pm
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形容"成舊雲咁"英文可以話 "absent-minded"同埋"absent-mindedly"。
"一塌胡塗"可以話"very messy"。

"He does his work in a very messy way absent-mindedly."
"He is absent-minded and very messy in his work."

2013-09-28 12:30:21 補充:
"He has a muddy mind and does his work in a mess.

2013-09-28 12:46:41 補充:
"He has a muddy mind and does his work in a mess."------->"His mind is muddy and does his work in a messy way."
參考: ab·sent-mind·ed- Deep in thought and heedless of present circumstances or activities,preoccupied.-http://www.thefreedictionary.com/absent-minded
2013-09-29 4:14 am
單是一個 字 mess or messy 是凌亂, 亂糟糟的, exact meaning 不是 “做事成舊雲咁”
absent-minded (心不在焉, 恍惚的) 意思很接近 “做事成舊雲咁”
I’m getting more absent-minded as I get older.
2013-09-28 9:46 pm
being stupefied and muddled
2013-09-28 7:53 pm
The whole buz (by him) is a mess.
2013-09-28 7:29 pm
He's doing a mess.

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