"will"同"be going to"有咩分別?十萬火急!

2013-09-27 7:31 pm

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2013-09-27 10:48 pm
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will是基本地表示未來/將來可能或應該或希望或承諾會發生的動作 be going to是較為主觀地表示將要發生的動作。
2013-09-28 12:23 am
will (modal verb) used to express simple future tense:eg:-A meeting will be held at JB Concert Hall.What time will JB arrive? When will you be leaving for USA ?Used to show you are willing to do something:-eg:-I will come up and help you clear;is that clear ? JB won't come to the party.
Used to ask someone to do something:-eg:-Will you join me later ?
What always happens:-eg:- Accidents will happen.
Used like can to show what is possible:-eg:-This taxi will hold five people.
Used to invite:-eg:-Will you be staying the night ?
"be going to"n Leaving:-act of leaving a place:-eg:- His going will be a great loss to the musical. Speed:-the speed you travel:-eg:-We climbed the Alps,which was not bad going. Hard/slow going eg:-I am getting the work done now, but it's slow going+typing.
heavy going that if a book,play is heavy going,it is boring and difficult to understand.
going adj. available:-eg:-Are there any jobs going where you work ?
the going rate is the usual cost of a service or job:-eg:-$32 per hour is the going rate for job.
Have a lot of going for you/ not have much going for you is to have or not have many advantages and good qualities that will bring success:-eg:- Stop being so depressed, you have a lot going for you.
A going concern a business which is making a profit and is expected to continue to do so, eg::- A going concern is a going concert.

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