
2013-09-27 5:11 pm


Hi Amy:

附件是PO 4785的出貨資料,請知悉此訂單內的產品有部分瑕疵且請見以下內容



TO 羅莉大: 是的,瑕疵品應該是勉強可以接受的,客人告知瑕疵品仍和正常產品A一起出貨是不想讓貨櫃沒裝滿的樣子,想要整櫃出貨,且客人有後續告知瑕疵品可能會當補件使用 另想再請教一句,能翻成商英嗎? 因為工廠不會向我們請款有瑕疵的部分,故我們也不會向客人請款有瑕疵部分的數量 所以可能要跟客人告知以下意思: "請知悉關於瑕疵品的部分,我們將不會對您請款" 謝謝:)

回答 (6)

2013-09-27 6:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一般而言, 有瑕疵不能接受的貨品是應該排除而不可出貨的, 但既然客戶只是您出貨並作瑕疵品標示, 推測可能是客戶對此種瑕疵有修正能力吧? 所以這不叫做「不能接受的; unacceptable」, 而是「可通融的; tolerable」.


Hi Amy,

Attached is the shipment details of PO 4785, where please note that part
of the products with a tolerable defect was included following your
instructions. Please refer below:
- Normal quality of Item A : 223 pcs.
- Defective quality of Item A : 47 pcs.

For easy discrimination, we have put green stickers on the defective
products and on their outer cartons.

Best regards,

Xxxx Xxxx

2013-09-29 09:10:36 補充:
DSG所說的作法是有可能的, 目地是為了防杜原料外流.
不過通常這作法是針對代工完畢後的剩餘特定原料, 而對於已完工的不合格且無法修復的瑕疵品, 一般是授權代工廠商就地銷毀, 一個成品的特定原料可能是一個小小的晶片, 成品的體積可能是它的數十倍、數百倍, 運費成本不符經濟效益, 如果代工廠商擅自外流牟利, 一旦查獲那親權的罰金極為嚴重, 甚至到可讓代工廠商因而失血倒閉的程度.

2013-09-29 13:30:03 補充:
Kindly be advised that the defective part of the goods will not be invoiced for your
參考: 羅莉 - 商業書信資深經驗
2013-09-29 11:38 pm
 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++大大 您好

2013-09-27 10:25 pm
Hi Amy:

The PO 4785 shipment document as attachment, please refer to the attachment for further detail.

The quantity as followed:


We marked the green label on defect products and box.
If you have any questions please let me know.

Best Regards,
參考: 自己
2013-09-27 7:00 pm
As I know, sometimes, when company provides the material, and Taiwan's company is just to manufacture it, no matter the product is good or not, they ALL need to be returned to the company that provides the material.
2013-09-27 6:15 pm
商英--告知客人如何區分正常貨物跟瑕疵的貨物Hi Amy,
Hi Amy,

Re : PO No. 4785 delivered on 2013-09-27 per your request

<1> Enclosed herewith please find complete shipment information for
follow-up purpose. Thank you.

<2> Please also note following additional assortment remarks :
. REGULAR item A x 223 pieces
. DEFECTS item A x 47 pieces with individual green label marked

Please acknowledge upon receipt.

Thanks & regards,
2013-09-27 6:14 pm

Hi Amy:
Please see the attached shipping documents of PO 4785 and be advised that the deficit products are also loaded: the package detail is listed as below:Finished products: itemA(223pcs)The deficit products: itemA(47 pcs) the deficit products as well as the outer cartons are labeled with green tags for your reference. Best regard,

2013-09-29 17:56:32 補充:

2013-09-29 18:01:08 補充:
Please be advised that the deficit would be deducted from the pyment.

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