Serious answer only, please...?

2013-09-27 3:52 am
Started chatting with this girl in May; met her in July; been out six times or so since. She got out of a four and a half year relationship in April.

She is "completely comfortable with and trusts" me, and tells me things others don't know. "I feel like we could be best friends, but also you are Hot, so it's confusing to me." She said all of that Sunday while cuddling in her bed. We made out, and she freaked out because she's not ready. I'm not pressuring her; told her I want nothing from her; there are no expectations.

I really like her; we mesh together better than I have with anyone in this short time frame. She commented on how we are very similar. To friends (comfortable/trust) plus physical attraction equals serious relationship material. Why doesn't she see it that way/what can I do?

回答 (5)

2013-09-27 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
She's most likely still struggling with her emotions over her breakup. Also since she's struggling with her emotions and just came out of a serious relationship, she's more likely to look for friends to comfort her rather than a relationship. You met her at one of the worst times to meet a girl. It seems you're doing all you can. Sometimes that's not enough. More than likely she'll just end up wanting to be friends.
2013-09-27 10:37 pm
you are trying to commit but it to soon and to fast. Slow down and pay attention ! Start by reading your question. The answer is there!
2013-09-27 11:05 am
i mean she did just get out of a four and a half year relationship so its reasonable that she's not ready. but in my honest opinion i think she just sees you as a friend. i have a guy friend who's pretty hot too, but i don't think i would ever get into a relationship with him just because he's just a way better friend than anything else.
2013-09-27 10:57 am
ever heard of the rebound effect?
2013-09-27 10:54 am
nothing and dont try to get physical she is not interested in you romantically ---- as soon as someone says "not ready" it means she is not interested at least for making out she does not feel physically attracted to you

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:57:29
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