
2013-09-26 7:17 pm
1)Fermi Wong of Unison says many local social workers think doing so would be interfering in other people's culture and traditions.

2)She says the young victims often fall into depression or are subject to domestic violence when they refuse marriage.

3)Social welfare group which extends help to ethnic minorities says most of those being forced into marriage are 15- or 16-year-old girls.

main verb 係邊個?
and 可否解釋埋個結構.

回答 (3)

2013-09-27 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)Fermi Wong of Unison says many local social workers think doing so would be interfering in other people's culture and traditions.
她說的內容是”many local social workers” think(動詞) doing (動名詞)so – 講話內容主句
上文情況(這句沒有講出是甚麼,只用doing so代表)出現時would be interfering(動詞 – 假設會是將會出現的狀況便是「影響他人的文化culture和傳統traditions)
這是三組子句組成的complex sentence,只是順住理解誰是主角…在說一篇內容:內容裏有當中的主角/主題動詞事件情況等構成句子講述”。

2)She says the young victims often fall into depression or are subject to domestic violence when they refuse marriage.
內容a ”young victims(內容中主角) … fall (動詞)…情況
or 連接另一分句表達a或b的可能性
內容b ”…主角仍是內容的young victims..are (動詞) subject to 遇到情況…when當they他們=young victims…refuse(動詞) 結婚marriage. B句是一組x when y即是表達處境性”當y發生時(動詞)x便會發生(動詞) [這子句要前後反轉來理解-這是一種英文寫法的構造。

3)Social welfare group which extends help to ethnic minorities says most of those being forced into marriage are 15- or 16-year-old girls.

Social welfare group是主角…say(s)是主動詞…後面most of…是記述所說的內容”those(那些) being forced(被逼) into marriage(結婚)的are(是) 15-16歲女。Group字後至says字前的加插是對這主角的附加句描述:which 指這組織extends(動詞) help伸出援手to ethic minorities 小數族裔人士。這樣加插是英文常用的結構可以增加表達主角資料和認識,另一種寫法是在這加插句前後配上”,”亦可以/更清楚。Social welfare group, which extends help to ethnic minorities, says most of those being forced into marriage are 15- or 16-year-old girls.
2015-09-09 10:40 am
2013-09-30 8:23 am
(1) 獨立句independent clause, 或者加(2) 依賴句/子句dependent clause:
- (1) 獨立句independent clause可以單獨成句, 獨立句沒有連結詞如because, so, that; 及代名詞如which, who
- (2) 依賴句/子句dependent clause分三種, 有連結詞如(1) because, so, after, when, etc; (2) that; 及(3)代名詞which, who

獨立句, 或依賴句/子句都要有:
Subject (S主詞) +verb (v動詞)

在獨立句independent clause, 或在依賴句/子句dependent clause裡都要有動詞verb.

1) 這句有二個連結詞that, 所以有三句, 有三個動詞:
- 獨立句independent clause: Fermi Wong of Union (S) says (v)
- 依賴句/子句dependent clauuse: (that可以'隱形') many local social workers (s) think (v)
- 依賴句/子句dependent clauuse: (that可以'隱形') doing so (s) would be interfering (v) in other people's culture and traditions.

2) 這句有一個連結詞that, 一個連結詞or, 及一個連結詞when, 所有有四句, 有四個動詞:
- 獨立句independent clause: She (S) says (v)
- 依賴句/子句dependent clauuse:: (that可以'隱形') the young victims (s) often fall (v) into depression
- 依賴句/子句dependent clauuse: or (共用了: the young victims - s) are (v) subject to domestic violence
- 依賴句/子句dependent clauuse: when they (s) refuse (v) marriage.

3) 這句有一個代名詞which, 一個連結詞that, 所以有三句, 有三個動詞:
- 獨立句independent clause: Social welfare group (S) says (v)
- 依賴句/子句dependent clauuse: (that可以'隱形') most of those being forced into marriage (s) are (v) 15- or 16-year-old girls.
- 依賴句/子句dependent clauuse: which (s) extends (v) help to ethnic minorities (which通常會放在要描寫的名詞後面, 而這句便放在Social welfare group後面)


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