Is the book of revelation apocaliptic?

2013-09-25 12:58 pm
Is the book of revelation really about the end of the world or is it applicable to the christains at the time it was written who were being persecuted with reference to the seven churches etc?.

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2013-09-25 4:13 pm
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Your first question is kind of funny as Apokalupsis means revelation or revealing. It doesn't mean the earth burning up and people dying or whatever thoughts many conjure up with that term.

Revelation is the history of the Gospel Age--beginning in the days of the Apostles to the completion of the Bride of Christ, the marriage and their reign on the earth yet future.

Jesus told John that these events were about to come to pass--so it started in his day.

The Book is a book of symbols--we are told that in the first few verses, so why people try to literalize the whole thing doesn't make sense.

The 7 churches are a broad brush pictorial history of the whole Gospel Age. Ephesus describes the condition of the church in the days of John--it was relatively pure--Laodicea is the condition of the church today---lukewarm, blind (not understanding prophecy--"cannot see afar off"). The 7 seals, the 7 trumpets correspond to each time period as well. Seals are events going on and the Trumpets are messages that God gives to His church in those time periods.

We find in the 7 churches the growth of corruption so that it gets to the point of calling it Jezebel and Satan's seat. This time period is also talked about when it talks about the 1260 days (years) [Daniel gives us the clue on this]. The woman (who is not Israel, but the church in the wilderness), is persecuted for 1260 days (42 months, time time and dividing of time). Again Daniel tells us exactly who that woman is. The man child is a bad thing, it is that Jezebel element, Satan's seat that grew out of the True Church and battled with the Civil power (Dragon) and won---history shows us that.

Rev. 13 the healing of the wounded head, the image of the beast giving power to the beast---this is our day. The image of the beast was set up just a few years ago--it has not yet given the power. But if one doesn't know who the beast is, they will never know who the image is.
2013-09-25 1:56 pm
Apocalypse has the same meaning as revelation
2013-09-25 1:38 pm
it is apocalyptic language. Rev 1:1 the vision is "signified" given to John in symbols that have meanings. most of those meanings the Christians knew from the OT and the rest of the meanings are given right there in scriptures of Revelation.
It says 4 times that Jesus is coming soon, that those prophecies were soon to happen.
Jesus coming is Jesus coming in judgment against a people and nation. NOT the 2nd coming and end of the world.

so Revelation is about the destruction of Jerusalem and then the roman empire afterwards. It is God's judgment against those peoples at that time.
we can take this meaning and apply it to our lives by knowing God works behind the scenes in all nations.
the kingdom of Christ will never fail and that is exactly what happened.
The last 2-3 chapters John gives us a glimpse of heaven and our future hope (in eternal life).

although the old covenant and Jewish way ended at the cross of Jesus it was finalized with the destruction of Jerusalem. because of Matt 24 warnings ALL Christians fled the city before it was destroyed because it was the "sign of the times"

some might believe this was a foreshadowing of the end of the world where it may happen again. we are not told one way or another. but most times those that teach this as future are premilleniumist and have wrong doctrines about the kingdom of Christ and what it is.

kingdom of God = kingdom of Christ = Mount Zion = churches of God = churches of Christ

all those are valid names for the same thing.

read back over Matt and Luke and all the parables of the kingdom and the mustard seed and what Jesus tells His disciples about the kingdom and you will see it is the church.
2013-09-25 1:06 pm
It is a vision that John of Patmos had during the time the Christian church was being persecuted by the Roman empire. It is a veiled condemnation of the Roman government. Many Christians believe it is prophetic, but historically, it has not been shown to be the case. The author Elaine Pagels has done a good treatise on this particular book, called "Revelations". It's a good explanation of how the book came to be viewed as a prophecy rather than a diatribe and warning against the Romans.
2013-09-25 1:00 pm
The book of Revelation is fiction.
2013-09-25 4:23 pm
It is clear that you want a single, definitive answer to your question. But, modern Christians are divided on how to interpret Revelation. There are basically three views:

Preterism -- Here "the end" typically means the end of the Jewish age and the antichrist is often seen as the Roman Emperor Nero.

Historicism -- Here Revelation tells the story of the church throughout history with the antichrist most likely being the Papacy which plagues true Christians throughout history.

Futurism -- Here Revelation primarily concentrates on the "end time" and the antichrist is an evil man who appears in the final years of the age.

Around the time of the Reformation Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, Thomas Cranmer and others all viewed the Papacy as the antichrist.

The anti-reformation, the Council of Trent, was the reaction of the Roman Catholics to the reformation. About that time Jesuit Luis de Alcasar perfected the Preterist theology and Jesuit Francisco Ribera perfected the Futurist theology. Both were a means of diverting the assignment of the antichrist to the Papacy.

The futurist theological view became popular after 1909 when the Scofield Reference Bible came out. It incorporated the notes of John Nelson Darby explaining the text of the Bible. Darby took a futurist view. This view became popular and is found in the Left Behind series of movies and books among others.

For more information about the three views see:
2013-09-25 3:06 pm
hey hey! you got it! the second part :)
2013-09-25 1:58 pm
In Revelation 1:10 John gives you the time for the rest of the Book:

Re 1:10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day,...

That's the Day of the Lord which many OT prophecies and NT ones as well refer to. Its the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ and doctrinally it is for that period of time.

Doctrinally, it is not for now, as this is the Dispensation of Grace given to Paul.

More here:
2013-09-25 1:03 pm
It's difficult to understand, that's for certain. I believe many literal Christians believe it is apocalyptic.
2013-09-25 1:12 pm
the book of revelation is about the end times. its only the evil one that blinds people not to read and understand. my friend it is the end time. wake up!

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