
2013-09-26 6:09 am
if you are unable to fulfill your tasks, making excuses or blaming others for it isn't the answer.

後面這句話看不太懂 : making excuses or blaming others for ""it isn't the answer.""

是blame for 後面沒有 還是 後面有 it isn't the answer.

翻要怎麼翻? it 怎麼會用在那邊?


是不是 : making excuses or blaming others for (分隔)  it is not the answer



回答 (4)

2013-09-26 11:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
if you are unable to fulfill your tasks, making excuses or blaming others for it isn't the answer.

If you are unable to fulfill your tasks, A conditional clause

making excuses or blaming others for it isn't the answer Main clause

making excuses or blaming others for it Noun phrase, subject of the main clause

isn't Main verb of the main clause

the answer Object of the main clause

不是 : making excuses or blaming others for (分隔)  it is not the answer

是 : making excuses or blaming others for it  (分隔)  is not the answer
2013-09-27 6:08 am
if you are unable to fulfill your tasks making excuses or blaming others for it isn't the answer.
making................. answer == the phrase to describe or mortify "if you are unable to fulfill your tasks"
參考: Myself
2013-09-27 2:37 am
if you are unable to fulfill your tasks, 如你不能做好事情,
making excuses找藉口
blaming others for it把責任推給別人
isn't the answer.不是解決之法。
2013-09-26 6:45 am
後面戈句應該係咁睇"making excuses or blaming others for it" isn't the answer
"Isn't the answer "直譯係"不是答案"
意譯我會譯做 無補於是
而"It"係講緊"you are unable to fulfill your tasks"呢件事
全句解: 如果你不能完成你的任務,為此事作籍口或怪責別人是無補於是的
參考: my knowledge

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