
2013-09-26 3:42 am


回答 (2)

2013-09-26 6:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fact always happens beyond your predication. Sometimes you would have
discovered the gap further than your imagination and bigger than your ability to
resolve. Therefore you have to accept the 15 years old problem which was
solved by imperfection, defective or incompletion. This theory is called “a better than nothing”, “grateful for favors received”, “Thanks giving”, “chosen by
god”, and “enjoy your destiny” etc...
Notwithstanding no perfect in world, we shall not change our mind in spite of
people thinking. The true is that if you don’t believe yourself, nobody will
believe you.
參考: myself
2013-09-26 6:40 am
In reality, it was out of expectation that one found the difference being so big
and unable to settle the problem by oneself for over fifty years. Hence one understood that there were still slight or lots of defects. Then one knew that was govened by Heaven so everything should be treated naturally and smoothly. All in all, one should do what was right and didn't concern about what others might think or even interfere; if one didn't believe oneself then nobody would trust the samething.
參考: Partly according to ”The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation” published by Hongkong Oxford University Press in 1975

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