
2013-09-25 9:11 am
Rules Girl Tip- With everyone casually exchanging information today, updating phones, a Rulesgirl goes with the flow.
She doesn't make a fuss or say "Oh I can't exchange information so casually, you must only take my information" or "Just know, I'm never ever going to call you first, you have to call ME", blahx3.
She is not a Diva she is a Rulesgirl, and nonchalantly exchanges information as if she MIGHT call or email first, but then of course, she WON'T! -E


回答 (2)

2013-09-30 2:16 pm
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Rules Girl Tip-
With everyone casually exchanging information today, updating phones, a Rulesgirl goes with the flow.
身處在大家偶爾會交換資訊 更新電話的今日,規則女孩也應隨著潮流這樣做
She doesn't make a fuss or say "Oh I can't exchange information so casually, you must only take my information" or "Just know, I'm never ever going to call you first, you have to call ME", blahx3.
她當然不會因互換資訊就讓天下大亂,或是說"我不隨便交換個人資料的 你有我的就夠了" 或 "你聽著啊 我可是不會打電話給你的 你必需先打電話給我 " 等等 的 話語
She is not a Diva she is a Rulesgirl, and nonchalantly exchanges information as if she MIGHT call or email first, but then of course, she WON'T! -E
她可不是天后 她只是規則女孩, 順其自然的互換資訊, 讓人以為她可能會打電話或是發電郵給他 ,當然她其實並不會那樣做。---小艾
2013-09-25 10:21 am
她不上做文章,或者說“哦,我不能這麼隨便交換信息,你只能把我的信息”或“只知道,我從來沒有打算先打電話給你,你給我打電話”, blahx3。
她不是天后她是一個Rulesgirl,滿不在乎地交流信息,彷彿她可能首先打電話或發電子郵件,但後來當然,她不會! -E
參考: google

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