Do police have to take off their sunglasses?

2013-09-24 8:36 pm
If you deal with a police officer anywhere, must they take off their sunglasses? Examples may be pulling you over, but what about just encountering a bike cop at an event. If you ask them to remove their glasses do they have to comply?

Just to address the cocky answers... some women asked me this because they are stopped at events more frequently by cops than other people and they think they're getting ogled behind those shades. And just to clarify for anyone who comes across this in the future, the sunglasses are actually considered safety equipment and they do not have to take them off. There are provisions for "in plain sight" which also allow them to look where ever they want without violating 4th Amendment rights.

回答 (8)

2013-09-24 8:47 pm
Of course not to all of your questions

Where do you people come up with this stuff anyway?
2013-09-24 10:32 pm
No, absolutely not.
2013-09-24 8:38 pm
2014-08-23 8:24 am

"Most important, our creatives and account teams love and respect

him and his creative vision for the agency, which is critical for the

role of the chief creative officer."

Oakley will oversee all of the agency's creative in the Dallas
2014-08-14 9:40 am

He went to the club and confronted Aliotta.The owner argued that the Allmans were late for their first show. He said he would pony up the $500 if they agreed to play a makeup set the following night.Lyndon cursed and whipped out his knife. As six witnesses watched, the two men grappled to the barroom floor, where Aliotta soon lay groaning.Neal Preston/ Neal Preston/CORBIS No detail was lost on Lyndon, who helped launch The Allman Brothers to stardom in the 1970s.
2013-09-24 9:39 pm
you have to be joking, a cop would laugh at you.
2013-09-24 9:00 pm
You seem somewhat confused about the different roles of the Police Officer and the Suspect....

The Suspect must do what the Officer requests, not the other way around!
2013-09-24 9:42 pm
They never take off their sunglasses cause then you'd be able to see that their eyes are dialated from taking the drugs the seized in last night's raid.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 23:42:33
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