How do I solve this Probability problem ?

2013-09-24 7:15 pm
You can win the jackpot when the five numbers you select out of 40 match exactly the five random lottery numbers. What is the probability of not winning the jackpot in 50 times?

THX :)

回答 (2)

2013-09-25 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
P(win in 1 trial) = 1/40c5 = 1/658008
P(not win in 1 trial) = 658007/658008
P(not win in 50 trials) = (658007/658008)^50 = 0.999924 <------
2013-09-25 2:59 am
The number of combinations of 5 things selected from among 40 things is
40!/(5! 35!) = 40*39*38*37*36/(5*4*3*2*1)
= 13*38*37*36 = 658008.

The probability of not winning the jackpot in 50 tries is
(657008/658008)^(50) = 0.9268

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