Per below listed, really cannot distinguish the genuine from
the take, the true from the false.
Please comment + please educate.
違規者:z_peikun ( 中學級 5 級 )發表時間: 於 2013-09-20 04:50:27 的發言項目:回答違規 - Full OC違規原因: 其他點數:
-50違規資料: SO SAD!!! :(
occasionally it is not bad .......................
each has/her merits; each has his/her specialized skills; each exhausts his/her special talent; each does the best he/she can; each follows his/her kind; each is as it should be, let Crater stick to his/her will ................................typo error : should read his willto real the fact, individual disputant has given a plausible reason
take it or leave it is at your own disposal