Truth is everlasting

2013-09-24 9:20 pm
Per below listed, really cannot distinguish the genuine from
the take, the true from the false.
Please comment + please educate.

違規者:z_peikun ( 中學級 5 級 )發表時間: 於 2013-09-20 04:50:27 的發言項目:回答違規 - Full OC違規原因: 其他點數:
-50違規資料: SO SAD!!! :(
occasionally it is not bad .......................
each has/her merits; each has his/her specialized skills; each exhausts his/her special talent; each does the best he/she can; each follows his/her kind; each is as it should be, let Crater stick to his/her will ................................typo error : should read his willto real the fact, individual disputant has given a plausible reason
take it or leave it is at your own disposal

回答 (4)

2013-09-24 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Truth is Everlasting:-Plagiarize is to copy another person's ideas words or work and pretend that they are your own.You're accused of plagiarizing from the Book. People can refer to the Book.Full OC means all idaes occur to you when it comes into your mind that you might not be telling the truth. To occur a -50 be found.
----What you copy is:-
each has his/her, his/her x six times, Crater=? willto=? disputant=? plausible=? take it or leave it=?
-----What do mean by:-Per, take=fake ? Not bad=SO SAD=Truth is Everlasting ?Also personal talent should not be added a dispute. A dispute is an argument,disagreement or quarrel between people.When the station master of website sees your errors and got frightened, he simply disqualifies you !

2013-09-24 16:45:12 補充:
platitude=made many times before=cliche'
duplicate=make a copy.
2013-10-02 1:53 pm
2013-09-27 2:02 am
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2013-09-24 11:25 pm
re 001
to see something each according to his/her lights, believe platitude is duplication.

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