URGENT!!! usa actor uni stuff

2013-09-23 10:52 pm
我宜排開始搵d關於actor school嘅資料(外國,主要美國 - 本人想糸美國讀actor school)
仲有去邊間讀actor school最好?
我之前糸wiki見有位成名女星糸糸USA嘅USC讀bachelor of fine arts (BFA),我亦都糸有d actor school見到宜個課程。其實佢糸咩黎?讀左會唔會有大d嘅機會入到娛樂圈?
p.s.如果我去美國讀, 我應該會糸USA (LA)住同埋發展。我將來嘅職會糸明星。(如無意外)

English Version
I want to an actor since I was a little girl.
I am 17 years old. (I will be 18 years old after a few months.)
I start searching information about actor school (I focus in searching USA actor university as I want to study in USA.)
During my searching I saw lots of drama program. What are the different between drama program and actor program?
Which actor school (university) is the best?
I saw a famous actor in wiki that said she studied bachelor of fine arts (BFA) in USC University. At the mean time I find out that a lot of actor school has this program. Actually, what is the program? If I study this program, will I have a higher opportunity go to in the show business?
p.s. If I am going to study in USA, I will be staying in USA(LA) for future. And being an actor will be my future career.

回答 (2)

2013-09-24 3:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Actor school teaches you to act, like a skill.

Drama school does not teach you to act, but something else (like enjoying, writing drama).

2. BFA is a general name for a Bachelor. Fine Arts can include a lot of different elements, like drawing.

Having a BFA does not include you the chance.

A artist, especially Hollywood artists, take a lot of time to prepare, unlike those in Hong Kong. If they want to act as a police officer, they will work side by side with an actual officer.

A degree will not get you where you want to go.
2013-10-04 1:27 am
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