
2013-09-23 10:12 am



  潮流文化為何使青少年認受,皆因o岩Feel、還有o岩玩,最近非常熱門的玩意是一班人去RAVE PARTY,青少年十分喜歡逗留這些場合,他們按著不同時段所流行的玩意而做出當時流行的東西,這些年青人會覺得自己是最強勁的一群,可以做到一些平常人做不到的東西,他們更會覺得別的地方容不到自己,而這裡便是自己的容身處;因為有別人去認同自己所做的一切是多麼重要的。在RAVE場中,他們不單是喜歡把自己亂跳亂擺外,更令人強差人意的是,以前和現今的青少年也會做的就是吸食毒品,以前時興吸食大痳,現在卻喜歡食擰頭丸。他們在這場所有這些行為,極可能在平時生活遇著很多問題,有些則抱著要試這些毒品,一方面為了我夠威,另一方面是食一次沒有大的影響;又或者從另一個角落去看,他們會知這些東西是不良的,但仍然會選擇去試,是因為他們想把自己痳醉和發洩自己一些內心的煩擾。

  從RAVE PARTY中,青少年不斷聽著音樂不斷跳舞,有幾幕更令我擔心的就是他們幾乎陷入失控的狀態,一班人圍成一堆又跳又叫。在一個密封的場所裡,意外往往就會在這段時間發生。青少年經常性逗留/停留這境況裡,不願意去思想自己真正的方向,很可能是為了逃避和染色自己沒有信心的一面,青少年的成功或超卓感是否只是建基於情感的發洩和模仿呢?他們的沉溺/沉迷往往成了一些不發之徒入侵的機會,從擰頭丸到了對毒品上癮,使他們陷入不能自拔的境況裡,更成為那些不法之徒的犯案和搵錢機會。

回答 (1)

2013-09-23 1:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Popular culture in Hong Kong today affected by the situation in Japan very large degree , regardless of hair style, clothing trends are also a direct result of the Japanese rendering of the youth substance thought. Moreover, young people aged 12 to 18 years old during this time are looking to emulate their roles and objects, which are more susceptible to the influence of these pop culture has become imitation and plagiarism generations , and thus lose myself . They can be found in the home position, but can be recognized among peers , at this time Hou easier on some of pop culture influence , resulting in the crowd.

Even more accepted and respected youth worship pop stars , pop music or some of the popular term at the time of their goal is ; teenagers think the trend is to follow the star idol costumes, listen to songs sung by idols , and apply some of the movies commonly used words , only that he is the most fashionable , but also feel that they are into an era of cutting-edge , so that they are in a group of people in their most in, most Update, they hesitate to own money, time , in short, time and money is not important, the most critical of their own among the most fashionable in the whole class of one .

Why make the youth pop culture recognition , because the o rock Feel, and o rock play, recently very popular thing is a group of people to go RAVE PARTY, very fond of young people to stay these occasions , popular during different time periods according to their stuff and to make something popular at the time , these young people will feel that they are the most powerful group of people who can do something normal people can not do something , they will find it somewhere else than their own capacity , and here is his shelter Department ; others to identify themselves because everything is so important.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 15:13:22
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