What does this creepy dream mean?

2013-09-22 9:40 pm
In my dream I was lying in my bed, when out of the corner of my room all these shadows with long faces came out and were reaching for me and going inside my body. I started screaming in terror for my parents, neither of who came. Then, the weirdest part, is that dream me started yelling at conscious me to wake up. So I forced myself to wake up.

What does this dream mean? I'm so creeped out by it.

回答 (1)

2013-09-25 11:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Try not to be too worried, because although dreams are trying to tell you something, they do exaggerate to get a point across, and to get you to remember and think about the dream.

My read on your dream, is that you have shoved something haunting into the corner (of your psyche), but it is still going to come out of that corner. Your unconscious is trying to get you to wake up to it. It is something deep (because it reaches into your body), and you are not fully aware of it, because the faces are shadowy.

That (shadowy) aspect unfortunately means that the issue might be hard to fully recognize, but there is a clue in the long faces, and your unconscious is trying to get you to wake up to this, so I believe it would be possible to figure out what they represent.

What do "long faces" mean to you? There are two things that come to my mind: the painting The Scream (which I feel depicts a "long face"), and the expression "why the long face" for someone who is sad. But these are my associations, what really counts are yours. What do you think? Is there anything that you have been sad about that is haunting you, symbolically reaching deep into you?

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:59:24
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