升中問題 急急急急!!!!!!!!!

2013-09-23 2:32 am
我想問如果面試時被老師問 why you chose this secondary school?可唔可以這樣回答?(我的回答下面)幫忙看一看有沒有甚麼方有問題,thanks
l would like to study in your school because my parents told me it has a good
reputation, that the students here have a lot of opportunity to get involed in different activities and the teachers are nice too .lf l have a chance becomes your
secondary school student, l will try my best to be a good student in here.

回答 (2)

2013-09-23 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
千萬不要說"my parent told me"!


and that...


for example:If I have a chance to become your secondary school student,I can join in

your school choir and win competitions for school.
2013-10-02 4:40 am
Don't answer like this, because you are dependent, and you have to show it.
You had better say...
You know, once I had a dream, is to study in this school.I've noticed that the students here are diligent and well-behaved, also, they are enthusiastic and put tons of effort in their studies. I would like to become a part of them, and study hard to be the glory of the world's future. Hope that I can study in this school.

Hope that I can help you ^^

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:43:31
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