
2013-09-22 7:25 pm
The probability that a bearing meets a specification is 0.92. Six bearings are picked at random. Calculate the probability that
all six meet the specification;

more than four meet the specification;

one or none meets specification; and

and exactly four meet the specification.

回答 (1)

2013-09-22 9:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) P(6meet)
= 0.92^6
= 0.606355001

(b) P(5meet) + P(6meet)
= C(6,5)*(0.08)*(0.92)^5 + 0.92^6
= 0.922714132

(c) P(1meet) + P(0meet)
= C(6,1)*(0.92)*(0.08)^5 + 0.08^6
= 0.00001835008

(d) P(4meet)
= C(6,4)*(0.92)^4*(0.08)^2
= 0.068773724

2013-09-22 13:01:41 補充:

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