is plastic surgery a sin for certain reasons like...?

2013-09-22 3:37 am
like my chin is a bit long...and a dentist told me it was not supposed to be like that and that is grew abnormally because of i forgot why..i think because is some bone placement thing idk and i get pains in my jaw because of it.... if i got a chin job to fix this would it be a sin...and i also if i do it i would feel more comfortable.. would it be a sin?

回答 (11)

2013-09-22 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
If the pain is too much to bear, then no, it's not sinful. However, if you were getting it because you're unsatisfied with your looks, then it is a sin.
2013-09-22 3:39 am
How can plastic surgery be a sin? Doctors are children of God as well as you. Such surgery will be better for your jaw alignment. Go for it.
2013-09-22 3:38 am
If there is something your God did wrong, and it can be corrected to be more comfortable, it should not be a sin, or else God is d*ck
2013-09-22 3:38 am
Why would plastic surgery for any reason at all be a sin?
2013-09-22 3:40 am
No, correction surgery is fine in my opinion, think of it like this: Imagine if one of your legs were shorter than the other and by correcting this it would make the rest of your life better..
2013-09-22 3:39 am
Just remember when you die you spirit will look like your body without the plastic surgery, also your resurrected body will do the same. If if is a fault is will be corrected to perfect.
2013-09-22 3:48 am
it is only MY opinion, if it is a medical problem,then the surgery would not be any different than removing a gall bladder.
2013-09-22 3:41 am
Yeah, god will rain lightning down on your house 3 days and 3 nights after you commit this terrible crime to humanity.

...seriously? If you were God, would you care if someone wanted to have plastic surgery? I know I wouldn't.
2013-09-22 3:40 am
Your body, your money, your choice.
2013-09-22 3:39 am
No, it is not a sin. However, like anything else - eating, drinking, partying, sleeping, etc. - it could be taken to a level of sinful excess.
2013-09-22 3:39 am
In some cases …it should be a sin not to

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