Reduce muscle pain caused by excessive coughing?

2013-09-21 12:15 pm
I have been coughing for a month due to my sensitive trachea. After a week of coughing, an unbearable pain arose at both rib cage areas whenever I coughed. Then I had saw a doctor for a few times and the cough got better as well as the pain problem. However I didn't get completely well(I still coughed a few times a day and sensed the pain at the same spots) and recently I had a relapse. I have been coughing non stop. Although the pain at the rib cage areas don't hurt me as much as before, there is a more severe pain arose at my left waist which KILLS me every time I cough. It feels so sharp it hurts so much I can literally to push my head against the wall. Is there any fast method to reduce the pain? I am thinking about taking pills, but will it be unnecessary? Thanks in advance for any help and saving me from the torment of satan.

回答 (1)

2013-09-21 1:22 pm
Hi. Dr. D here.

Coughing can cause rib pain and, in some cases, rib fractures. Sounds like you avoided that one, but I am concerned over the waist pain. The severity suggests that you may have caused yourself an inquinal or femoral hernia. If that is the case, you need to get it looked at and managed before additional coughing turns it into a surgical emergency.

Now, this may NOT be the case and you only strained an abdominal muscle. If so, that will heal in time, and I'd put an ice pack on it for about 15 minutes at a time, once an hour. My advice is to eliminate the dangerous diagnosis first, then if that's not it, treat conservatively as mentioned.

Dr. D

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:43:55
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