
2013-09-21 9:53 pm
只是要城市大學的, 其他大學的不用, 謝謝! ><

回答 (1)

2013-09-22 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.商學院 (工商管理學士)
College of Business (Bachelor of Business Administration)

2.人文社會科學院 (文學士 / 社會科學學士)
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social Sciences)

3.科學及工程學院 (工程學)
College of Science and Engineering (Engineering)

4.科學及工程學院 (科學)
College of Science and Engineering (Science)

5.創意媒體學院 (文學士 / 理學士 / 文理學士)
School of Creative Media (Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Arts and Science)

6.能源及環境學院 (能源科學及工程學工學士)
School of Energy and Environment (Bachelor of Engineering in Energy Science and Engineering)

7.法律學院 (法律學學士)
School of Law (Bachelor of Laws)

8.建築學 / 屋宇裝備工程學 / 建造工程及管理學 / 測量學副理學士
Associate of Science (Architectural Studies/ Building Services Engineering/ Construction Engineering and Management/ Surveying)


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