How long is a 'long time' to be single?

2013-09-20 9:24 pm
If you're in your early twenties. What would you consider a 'long time' to be single?

回答 (6)

2013-09-20 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is variable. The only possible definition: it is a long time if it is longer than you want it to be.

Hope this helps.
2013-09-20 9:24 pm
10 years
2013-09-21 12:00 am
i suppose ever since you were born. but it's still not long enough.
2013-09-20 10:15 pm
15 years
2013-09-20 9:51 pm
no in my early 40's I had done everything I wanted to do education, career, travel, hobbies.

had a home and wanted a family

2013-09-20 9:37 pm
Take it from me you are better off being single if you have the choice as life is less complicated and you only get one chance at life, Good Luck
參考: Divorced

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