I do not understand why women want to get married? Men are complacent and always get bored?

2013-09-20 9:04 pm
Take any sociology class and research studies have shown for decades married men are happier than single men while the reverse is found for women. Why? Marriage is alot of work for women even more so today. I can understand why a woman would do most of the domestic duties if they dont work, but men today expect women to work full time like them PLUS they still feel entitled to women doing most of the housework/childcare. Google "second shift hypothesis" Its when a woman works 2 jobs and a man works 1...because men dont pull their weight (they think mowing the lawn once a week and changing your oil once every 3 months equals the same amount of work a woman does on a DAILY basis how delusional is that?)

Not only that guys are wired for sexual variety so even if you do give in to the insane amount of pressure to stay thin and look pretty all the time, it doesnt matter because all guys will get bored of you. Once a woman hits a certain age, even if they look really good for their age their husbands will always start chasing after younger women or fantasizing about them constantly. Also, studies have found women can be satisfied with one sexual partner as long as things are switched up. The only way to really alleviate a man's boredom is to get him a new woman.

I know 4 examples off the top of my head where the married couple is in their late 30's or older and the woman is super attractive and a great wife or mother. ALL FOUR of them their husbands arent satisfied and excessively flirt with younger women or have cheated.

Bottom line: why do women think marriage is a good idea? Men get taken care of, get the best of both worlds (dont have to pay for women nor do work inside the home), act like pigs and get excused for it while if a woman did it shes the devil ("men are visual" "men are wired that way no biggie" for their behavior)

Studies also show alot of men dont think emotional neglect is worth divorcing over. The best way to turn your good boyfriend into a bad one is to marry him and give it enough time.

If women knew what was good for them they would see marriage for what it is!

回答 (5)

2013-09-20 9:23 pm
I don't believe in getting tied to one person, and I'm a woman....I don't want to have kids, but of course i do want to adopt simply for giving a child a good home.
Me personally never cared to please others, I worry about myself and myself only and just like that never had problems in relationships but like MOST PEOPLE i get board and time to move on.
Studies DON"T show anything you said to be proven right, as a matter of fact. But if that's what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night then so be it. either ways guys are the ones to propose first and if marriage is not what they want, then they are idiots because who proposes to someone and not really want it? Can those certain types of men not think for themselves? then again i met a lot of men like me and some completely opposite. Studies are not facts, you should look into that.
2013-09-20 9:20 pm
I'm sorry you feel that way. With that said, the reason why I married, is because God intended a woman to marry a man, and pro create. We are not to be single people having sex with anyone without being married. Marriage is beautiful, it's a bond you have with one person. It's also what gets you through the day, the year. Through marriage, you have a partner in crime, a confidant, a best friend...and yes, you get to have sex with them, but that's something that comes with marriage. Growing old together is the goal. Men will look at other women, but as long as they don't stray, everything is fine. That's why we need to stay close to God, and make sure we follow his commandments. Plus, women are not innocent either....
2016-03-10 1:06 pm
Do not generalize . It depends . Some wives only have 1 friend:their husband Or even if they have friends,their husband is best And some can't make a good friendship with their parents Some make much more money than their husband
2013-09-20 9:21 pm
I am a graduate student and have done a wide range of research on relationships. i agree with what you say but women are still biologically wired to wanting a marriage.
2013-09-21 5:45 pm
I am a woman, 56 years old, and have a lot of life experience. I have observed married couples, and was married myself.

Yes i think married men are happier in some ways; however, i know several married men whose wives have cut them off sexually. Women do not seem to have any idea of the sexual nature of a man, especially "younger" men through their 40's and sometimes older. Many men like frequent sex lives, but aren't getting the intimate attention they need, want or desire. Because women do not UNDERSTAND the sexual nature of a man, and many do not fulfill their husband's needs, they may stray.

All men look at women, it's normal and caused by the sex hormone testosterone, which causes them to be visual, sexual creatures.

Women who have small children are, by nature, lacking hormones. Mother Nature provides this so that she will nurture the children. Just because we are a bit low on the scale of hormones, doesn't mean we can't get into sex and enjoy it, or please our husbands.

No one ever pressured me to stay thin and to look lovely.... i am me, and i took care of myself, bathe, try to dress decent and feel good about ME. I do it for me, always did, not for someone else. Many men do not prefer skinny/thin women, by the way. I was always average, and now that i'm post menopausal I have gained about 14 pounds. Boy do i get male attention! It's interesting to see how many men like a woman with a couple of curves.

Women think marriage is a good idea because most of us are wired to seek out a mate. It's as simple as that. Blame mother nature.

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