Why are there not any green women on earth?

2013-09-20 3:26 pm
I ask because I have green favor.

回答 (5)

2013-09-20 3:38 pm
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Because hemocyanin does not work very well as an oxygen carrier, in the blood of endovertebrates.

Women, having their vertebrate skeletons "inside" (endo-) their bodies, are therefore endo-vertebrates and, thanks to evolution, have their oxygen supply brought to the different parts of their bodies by the more efficient hemoglobin (iron-based, red in color) instead of hemocyanin (copper-based, blue-green in color) as is the case in some non-vertebrates (e.g., mollusks).

Of course, there is always the option of using a green colored cosmetic foundation. In older times, the greenish coloration was reached by using foundation using copper oxide.

Copper oxide is also called "vert-de-gris" - the same stuff that gives copper roofs and statues this green color called "patina", even though they are... err... "copper-red" when they are brand new.

Putting vert-de-gris foundation on the skin has never been healthy for the skin, especially if left on the skin too long (poisoning by metal salts caused when the copper oxide reacts with the acidic sweat).

So look for modern non-copper-based colored foundation, then find someone willing to use it.


Vulcan women (fictional - Star Trek) have a greenish tinge to their skin because of their "copper-based blood".
2013-09-20 3:27 pm
The green women were turned to dust in the color-palate battle of '45. They're all dead, but will never be forgotten.
2013-09-20 6:15 pm
During the filming of the 2009 Star Trek reboot, there was one, at least for some of the filming.

In the original series, they colored an actress green, shot some film, developed it, but it came back a normal skin tone. They made her "greener", shot some more film, and it came back normal. They made her greener still, shot the film, and it came back normal, though this time it was accompanied by a note from the film developer saying that she looked pretty green.

One would expect that since the peak energy output of the Sun is approximately green, that the Sun would appear green, and that animals and plants would be some sort of blue, so that they'd absorb as much energy as possible. And yet, it doesn't seem to work that way. The Sun doesn't look green largely due to the way your eyes work, and black body radiation works.

2013-09-20 3:31 pm
Have U looked every place on earth ?
2013-09-20 7:18 pm
Becouse Captain Kirk has them all in his bed .

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