What stores have really pretty LONG BLACK dresses?

2013-09-18 2:49 am
I'm going to a formal dress, like a ball/prom? But not so much prom. I need a VERY pretty LONG BLACK dress. I don't want it to be too plain, I would like some sparkle in it. It needs to pop and make people drop. What are good stores with beautiful dresses? asap help :)

回答 (4)

2013-09-25 10:45 am

I'm located in Perth and I run my own website and I thought you might be interested in having a look.

Dress Perfection has a great range of style from simple and elegant through to amazing fully beaded princess designs.
If you are living in Australia I can get it to you in just 10 ~ 12 days!
2013-09-18 9:50 am
saw one at banana republic recently

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