一條BIO 問題

2013-09-18 4:56 am
An enzyme changes the rate only at which chemical equilibrium is reached ; it does not affect the position of the equilibrium.

我想問呢段點解?溫習不明白之一 T__T

回答 (1)

2013-09-20 9:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you study chemistry? If no it's normal that you don't understand the concept of equilibrium.

An enzyme is a catalyst that simply makes reactions go faster. It does not affect the composition of reactants and products at the end of the reaction(position of equilibrium). What affects the position of equilibrium are factors like temperature, pressure....

For example, here is a reversible reaction A + B <--> C. Adding a suitable enzyme X into the reaction mixture containing A and B makes both the forward and backward reaction rate(A+B->C AND C-> A+B) faster, thus reaching the equilibrium faster.However, the concentration of A, B and C at equilibrium (that is when forward rate=backward rate) is not affected by the addition of X at the start of the reaction. At a certain temperature, the composition of A, B and C at the end of the reaction is like 'fixed', unless you further change the temperature or pressure etc of the equilibrium system.

To put it into simple words, enzyme allows you to get the products quicker, but not getting more products.

please feel free to point out any mistake in this answer
參考: my chem knowledge

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