
2013-09-18 1:44 am




回答 (3)

2013-09-18 11:52 am
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halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 我黎緊要去英國,搭夜班英航過去, 我想問下派餐既時候空姐會講d咩英文?會有咩食物比我選擇,英文系咩

>> 如果係hk 去英國的話, 會有menu 的, 佢唔會個個都好仔細咁講話今日食咩既, 而menu 上面有中文, 所以唔駛擔心. 而佢送野食過黎果時, 都會用單字, 如"chicken or pasta?" 咁你答佢chicken 就可以了. 咁當然啦, 佢仲會問你想飲咩, 咁你用單字都可以, 就咁"coke" 佢都會明你講咩, 所以唔駛擔心. 而如果班機係係kh 出發 (即係hk 唔係中間站), 係有hk 空姐的. 可以講廣東話.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2013-09-18 4:32 pm
Stewardess; Sir, what would you like to eat; chicken or steak or fish( served with potatoes/broccoli and rice or pasta)
Passenger; chicken please. (when handed over then say "Thank you")
Stewardess; Sir, what would you like to drink.
Passenger; coke(spririt, orange juice, lemon juice, apple juice, coffee, hot tea, lemon tea, root beer, ginger ale, cold water, hot water, milk).
Stewardess; Wine is served please give me a call or raise your hand........
Passenger; How much for a bottle of beer ( a small bottle of brandy, whisky, shampagne, rum, port wine, cocktail, soda water), if paid in US dollars.
Stewardess; Ten dollors for brandy / five dollors for whisky.
Passenger; OK here is the money for brandy/whisky.
Stewardess; more coffee/more hot water/more water(yell out).
Passenger; coffee/hot water/water please.
參考: By myself
2013-09-18 2:08 am
得兩個字,chicken or fish ,唔會深,不用怕。

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