
2013-09-17 7:38 pm
Rules Girl Tip-The Rules work!! We received this email from a client who got married!
"I met my personal "Mr.Right" through an online dating sight. I had been divorced and single for 10 years. I applied The Rules and he proposed within 6 months of meeting. I didn't call him or open up too fast. If he texted me, I simply didn't text back and then only responded to phone calls for dates. I ended the dates first.
He proposed with a white gold bracelet with a charm heart attached that said..."Marry Me?" and then he took me to a gorgeous jewelry store and let me design my own ring. He said he wanted me to have my "dream ring" so I would always know how much he loves me. We are two months away form our one year anniversary. I now do the Rules for marriage..we are incredibly happy together...and he still brings me roses every Saturday...leaves me sweet love notes before he goes to work each morning...and always doing thoughtful things around the home. The Rules are a practical way to set healthy boundaries and weed out the time wasters and "passive" men...opening the door to the great guy who is an initiator and looking for YOU!!"
We are so happy for them! -E


回答 (2)

2013-09-18 4:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Rules Girl Tip-The Rules work!! We received this email from a client who got married!
規則女孩小撇步--規則書果然有效! 我們收到一封已經結婚的客戶電郵
"I met my personal "Mr.Right" through an online dating sight. I had been divorced and single for 10 years. I applied The Rules and he proposed within 6 months of meeting. I didn't call him or open up too fast. If he texted me, I simply didn't text back and then only responded to phone calls for dates. I ended the dates first.
He proposed with a white gold bracelet with a charm heart attached that said..."Marry Me?" and then he took me to a gorgeous jewelry store and let me design my own ring.
He said he wanted me to have my "dream ring" so I would always know how much he loves me. We are two months away form our one year anniversary.
他說他要我選擇我的完美婚戒 這樣我會永遠記得他是多麼的愛我。我們還差兩過月就要滿一週年了。
I now do the Rules for marriage..we are incredibly happy together...and he still brings me roses every Saturday...leaves me sweet love notes before he goes to work each morning...and always doing thoughtful things around the home.
The Rules are a practical way to set healthy boundaries and weed out the time wasters and "passive" men...opening the door to the great guy who is an initiator and looking for YOU!!"
規則書的確是對健康感情設下門檻的實用方法,不但淘汰浪費妳時間的人 還剔除掉被動的男人....它的大門只為主動且想找尋妳的好男人而開!!"
We are so happy for them! -E
2013-11-23 8:57 pm

[email protected]

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