
2013-09-16 12:12 am
1)i think the best way is for he to bow to me. for在此解'叫'??但在字典點解冇咁嘅解釋??

2)in which section of newspaper would you most likely find this text?
點解不是:in which section of newspaper you would most likely find this text?

回答 (2)

2013-09-16 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) "for" 在這裡並不是解作"叫", 整句意思 : 我想最好的方法是由他向我鞠躬。"for' 在不同的句子有不同的意思, 但硬要用一啲字代表它有啲困難

(2) 你要問人問題 "Would you .....?", 但如改用 "You would most likely find this text." 不像是問人問題, 雖然用"?"
2013-09-18 6:17 pm
1) this is a bit strange,,,
but anyway,,, for should be translated into chinese as 為左, 為到.....咁既原因

2)because this is question

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