whats your fave. Disney movie?

2013-09-14 10:48 am
mine are Mulan , Pocahontas, and Atlantis , Mulan and Pocahontas cuz they are both about strong female leads that that do anything they can to save the people love. they are Disney princesses that don't need to be saved because they can save themselves. and Atlantis is just an awesome movie.( I don't really care for any of their sequels they kinda ruin the beauty of the first movies)

回答 (9)

2013-09-18 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Atlantis for suree!

u bring me back old memories <3


much love Myla!
2013-09-14 5:50 pm
I love Mulan and Pocahontas also, finding memo, hercules, emporers New groove, Lilo and stitch, and some of the old Disney channel movies like Halloweentown and motocross
2013-09-14 5:49 pm
Leathal weapon 2
2013-11-05 11:47 pm
I know I'm late on this post, but considering no one mentioned "The Lion King" I felt like I had to say something. haha. Maybe cause it reminds me f my childhood?? Anyway, when *Spoiler Alert* Mufasa dies, it gets me every time.

Answer Mine please?? I know it's a completely different topic, but I need girls' opinions!!
參考: Avid Lion King Fan
2013-09-15 3:24 am
Meet The Robertsons, i'm into futuristic things
2013-09-14 11:02 pm
I would rather go "The Kid" starring Bruce Willis
its just a great movie...
it shows how a man sees confronts his past in the form of a hallucination..
A great acting by Spencer Breslin
check wikipedia for more info and the website for having a watch is given below
2013-09-14 9:41 pm
I could never pick just one Disney movie. I love too many of them for too many different reasons.

Since I can see you're one of many who think Pocahontas and Mulan are the only Disney princesses who actually do anything and weren't saved by a prince, I feel the need to correct you, since you asked about my favorite Disney movies. I love all Disney princess films and their characters are very close to my heart.

Snow White was obedient and spent her time diligently. She was mistreated, but she sang instead of complaining. She knew how to get things done. Since people tend to say that Snow White is the weakest princess (which isn't true), let me as you this: how does the film open? Was she sitting around primping? No. She was scrubbing floors and drawing water in the very first scene. (And let's not forget she whipped a filthy household and seven men into shape in just one day.) How do you think Snow White felt being totally alone all her life? She dreamt of meeting someone who would care about her. She was an orphan. Everyone wants to be loved by someone, be it family, friends, or a significant other. Mind that this goes for Cinderella and Aurora as well.

Cinderella was treated cruelly and was unloved. She was pushed around every day. Cinderella had a feisty side, though. People often forget that she was about to beat Lucifer with a broom before the doorbell rang. Cinderella wasn't looking for a man—she wanted freedom. She was excited enough about going to a ball-- she couldn't care less about meeting some prince there. She didn't even know he was the prince when she met him. She wouldn't have cared if he was a poor village boy because she genuinely fell in love with him at the ball.

Aurora was utterly secluded, yet she remained content with her simple life-- she never questioned the Good Fairies. Aurora truly fell in love with Phillip, as he did with her. *He* approached *her*, by the way. She was cursed by Maleficent unjustly, and could do nothing to protect herself. It's not that she was weak. She simply had no control over the situation.

Ariel outsmarted a shark, saved a man from drowning, and risked everything to pursue that man-- she didn't wait around for him to show up. Her actions ultimately led to the destruction of Ursula, who had terrorized the sea for years. People also say Ariel changed herself just to get the guy. Not true. She wasn't trying to impress him or just make him notice her. He noticed her the moment she saved his life. Ariel traded her tail for legs (and gave up living with her family) so that she could be with the one she loved. That's called sacrifice, not desperation.

Belle fell in love with a "monster" because she saw the good in him. She dealt with him honestly, though-- she was sweet when he needed kindness, and was firm when he needed to be reprimanded. She was willing to give up her own life for her father. Belle wasn't one of the swooning village girls who fell all over Gaston. She was intelligent, imaginative, and stood up for herself.

Jasmine had a strong personality. She was royal, and could have gotten any man she wanted, but she wanted to marry for love. She respected herself and wouldn't let someone treat her like "a prize to be won". She was kind and clever though. She, like Ariel, was curious about the land she had never seen before. She wanted to explore.

Tiana earned the respect of a rich upper class family who could have afforded any food they wanted. Naveen found that Tiana was incredibly skilled in the culinary field and that he couldn't do a fraction of what she could in the kitchen. She worked night and day to achieve her goal. She defeated Dr. Facilier, who could have created massive destruction.

Rapunzel, in her tower, knew work comes before play. She was physically strong-- she pulled up and let down Gothel every day using her own hair and, having never seen a man before (or so she thought), knocked Eugene out and put him in her closet. Rapunzel didn't give in to Eugene’s flirtation when they met. But by the end of the film, after having fallen in love, they were each willing to give up their lives for each other.

Merida was a better archer than anyone else in the kingdom. She climbed a rocky cliff hundreds of feet high. She survived a cursed, destructive bear. She broke tradition for the better. She was ambitious. She was Brave.

Maybe you'll think again before making false accusations about Disney princesses. Yes, Mulan showed her strength by saving her people and Pocahontas by seeing the common ground between two rival peoples. But do not make the mistake of saying that the others need to be saved.
2013-09-14 7:29 pm
Princess and the Frog
2013-09-14 7:12 pm

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