個人短講 2分鐘 20 點 請幫忙

2013-09-15 4:44 am

1) 如果你是校園記者,並要為校刊撰寫一篇名人專訪,你最想訪問誰呢?為甚麼?

2) 近日流行寫網誌,你對這種活動有甚麼看法?

3) 學校打算在校慶開幕典禮邀請一位名人擔任主禮嘉賓,你提議邀請誰?為甚麼?

4) 如果你可擁有一種特異功能,你最想擁有的是哪種功能?為甚麼?

5) 以下漫畫反映了甚麼現象?你對這種現象有甚麼看法?


回答 (2)

2013-09-29 5:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
If I am a reporter, I want to interview CY because he is the goverment of Hong
Kong.He built a lot of houses. I like blog so much because we can talk with
words, so that the people who can no speak can talk now. I suggest invited CY
because he is a important people of Hong Kong. If I have a psychic power, I want
to fly because the bird has wings. The people in the city like sleeping when they
see the mother who has baby because they were not helpful.They all do not
want to let the mother sit their seats.I think they are selfish.
參考: me
2013-10-14 9:07 am
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