English Relative Clauses

2013-09-15 2:13 am
Actually I have forgot something about relative clause.What is the difference between adding a commer in each of the stopping sentence and a straight sentence,without any punctuation?
Here are some questions: And I hope that you can explain me to me in detail:

1. Peter had made some sandwiches.They have been all eaten.You made some too.Your sandwiches have not been eaten.
a The sandwiches,which peter made ,have all been eaten
b The sandwiches which peter made have all been eaten

2. There was only one park in this town.Someone has built over it.We used to play in the park when we were still children.
a The local park where we played as children has been built over.
b The local park, where we played as children, has been built over.

3. One of my french teachers help me with my homework.The other one lives too far away.
a The French teacher whose house is near mine helps me with my homework.
b The French teacher, whose house is near mine ,helps me with my homework

4. You met one of my cousins last summer,the one from America.He's coming to visit again.
a My American cousin who you met last summer is coming to stay again.
b My American cousin, who you met last summer, is coming to stay again.

5. There were a lot of candidates in the presidential election.Three of them were women.The winner was one of them.She had campaigned for better housing conditions.
a The woman who had campaigned for better housing conditions has been elected as the president.
b The woman, who had campaigned for better housing conditions ,has been elected as the president.

6. I took 2 cameras away with me.You lent me one of them.That's the one that got broken.
a The camera which you lent me has been broken.
b The camera, which you lent me, has been broken.

Pls kindly tell me the difference and state the correct answer,thx.
I will inform U through email if the answers got wrong!!
THXTHX so much!

just so sorry,I have to delete it!

回答 (2)

2013-09-15 5:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
(A) Defining relative clause 即「限制關係子句」, 用作對名詞提供重要資料。

The package that arrived this morning is on the desk.


其中, "that arrived this morning" 就是 defining relative clause. 沒有了"that arrived this morning", 聽這句子的人就不知道所指你是哪一個包裹。

(B) Non-defining relative clause 即「非限制關係子句」, 只是用作對名詞添加額外的資料, 有與無, 都不會對整個句子的意思有不明確或混淆的情形。

The desk in the corner, which is covered in books, is mine.

牆角的桌子, 那張放滿書本的, 就是我的。

其中, "which is covered in books", 就是 non-defining relative clause. 它存在與否, 只在於給與名詞"the desk"賦與額外資訊, 但就算沒有, 也不會影響整個意思。

一般而言, non-defining relative clause 都會用comma (,) 去包涵著, 好讓讀者容易了解這子句為非限制的。

Therefore, the answers are:

1b The sandwiches which peter made have all been eaten.

2b The local park, where we played as children, has been built over.

3a The French teacher whose house is near mine helps me with my homework.

4a My American cousin who you met last summer is coming to stay again.

5a The woman who had campaigned for better housing conditions has been elected as the president.

6a The camera which you lent me has been broken.

2013-09-14 21:16:45 補充:
第2題因為只有一個公園,就算冇用relative clause 都知道係講緊邊個公園.
所以用non-defining relative clause .

2013-09-15 14:44:19 補充:

2013-09-23 00:13:56 補充:
Why you have to delete it?
2013-09-15 4:45 pm


2013-09-15 17:10:13 補充:
To 皎潔明月


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