問英文句子and present participle

2013-09-14 4:37 pm
Present Participle

回答 (5)

2013-09-15 3:46 pm
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Present participle = verb (base form) + -ing

spend – spending, steal – stealing, think - thinking
throw – throwing, wear – wearing, write - writing

Present participle is used:
(1) With auxiliary “be”, it makes the progressive form of verb phrase (formation of progressive tense)

am/is/are/was/were/will be + present participle [continuous]

has/have/had/will have + been + present participle [perfect continuous]

(2) as an adjective
(3) as a noun (called gerund) ~ subject, object or complement
(4) in participial phrase ~ a present participle can head a present participial phrase

Continuous tense
They were spending the night with their friends,
We found out that he had been stealing from us for years. (past perfect continuous)
What are you thinking now?
The reporters were throwing personal questions at her.
Will she be wearing that new dress to the party?
I am writing to enquire about summer jobs.

You will need to take some spending money.
That boy finally got over his stealing habit.
Thinking people agree on radical reform.
He hurt his throwing arms. [~ the arms he used to throw the ball]
Constant noise can be quite wearing on the nerves.
I bought some writing paper

Global spending on entertainment rises steadily.
The manager accused the boy of stealing.
I don’t like your way of thinking.
Knife throwing is a combat skill.
Baby wearing is the practice of carrying a baby in a sling or other form of transport.
Writing is her hobby.

Participial phrase
After spending years abroad, he finally returned to his home country.
The security guard caught him stealing in supermarket.
She lay awake thinking about money.
I watched some kids throwing snowball at each other.
Wearing a seat belt, the driver survived the car crash.
I have spent three hours writing up the report.

2013-09-15 08:25:12 補充:
He may mean "I am wearing glasses."

或者中譯英 ~ careless or intentional ?
"I am wearing grass 我著緊草 (走佬)" = "I am on the run. 我遠走高飛"
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2013-09-15 8:03 am




2013-09-15 14:44:57 補充:
he got caught then. ^_^
2013-09-15 1:40 am
I am spending time to do my homework.

We are stealing money in my mother'room.

I am thinking how to do this chinese homework.

I see people are throwing rubbish on the street.

Iam wearing a new dress to a christmas party.

I am writing in my workbook.
2013-09-14 9:11 pm
"我著緊草。- I am wearing grass" 睇清楚至抄,wearing grass實在離譜咗。

2013-09-15 08:52:32 補充:
我正和朋友們呆在一起。I am spending time with my friends.
我正在偷菜I am stealing vegetables
一邊走一邊想Iam thinking while walking
我置身在未名的狀態中Iam throwing myself at things i don't understand
我著緊草。Iam wearing grass
我現致函貴公司求職.I am writing inregard to employment with your firm.
Copy or original?

2013-09-15 08:54:36 補充:
Incidentally, all the above lines of Chinese-English match are found on Google search.
2013-09-14 6:55 pm
我正和朋友們呆在一起。I am spending time with my friends. 我正在偷菜
I am stealing vegetables 一邊走一邊想Iam thinking while walking 我置身在未名的狀態中Iam throwing myself at things i don't understand 我著緊草。Iam wearing grass 我現致函貴公司求職. I am writing inregard to employment with your firm.

2013-09-14 11:27:37 補充:
現在進行式都是 加 IS 和 ING 表示現在進行中,但不知幾時會停。

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