Do I really have to shave my armpits?

2013-09-13 10:06 pm
I'm a 14 year old girl with dark hair. I don't really wear sleeveless clothes, but I have swimming lessons with school every two weeks. I have hair growing under my armpits, but I don't like shaving at all. Doing it makes me feel uncomfortable and feels like a waste of time. I didn't shave for a month once and one person looked over at me in a school changing room once and I was constantly teased for much.
I HATE shaving, but I'm terrified of being teased again. What am I supposed to do?

回答 (13)

2013-09-13 10:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You don't really have to, If people are teasing you -you can just be like "so what? I don't like to shave, and that's my personal choice"
or you could tell a school (counselor/person that could help) that kids: X, Y, & Z are teasing you and you don't like that

If you do end up choosing to shave on the other hand, you would need to use shaving cream, (preferably something for sensitive skin) and soak in the water for a few minuets

I kind of know that feeling, I'm allergic to Fragrances and it irritates my skin, if I shave I usually need to apply anti itch cream right after (and my shaving cream is for sensitive skin- unfortunately they don't have unscented shaving cream)

What ever choice you make is fine, you make your own decisions, and other people shouldn't push you to do things you don't like (unless its a positive thing like a group trust activity, or trying new foods, meeting new people, getting a little out of your comfort zone for a new positive experience- things like that) In fact people have NO right to tell you "you HAVE to shave" or things like "eww you don't shave!" because you can make your own choices
Society tends to influence bad behaviors or try to make people worry about things like 'body image' or 'beauty' you don't have to listen, you can be your own person. Good luck :D
2013-09-14 5:17 am
Unfortunately society's horrible. Its seen as normal for men to have armpit hair but its considered dirty and unhygienic for a woman. Makes me so angry. Anyway, you do whatever makes you feel better, after all its your own body. Perhaps make up some comebacks to anyone that says anything? Or perhaps just trimming a little instead of shaving?
2013-09-14 5:32 am
No. I don't. That type of thing is just a "social norm." You can f*ck those if you so please.
2013-09-14 5:10 am
Just do it it only takes a few minutes.
2013-09-14 5:07 am
I am a guy, I have to shave for work. I hate it but it's life.

Life for you at school will be much much easier if you shave. You will get used to it.
2013-09-14 5:08 am
Shaving your armpits only takes a few minutes. And honestly I think it's kinda gross when chicks don't shave their armpits. I think it's worth it.
2013-09-14 5:08 am
having hairy armpits will get you teased and it doesn't look very appealing anyway
2013-09-14 8:38 am
only do it when you think your arm pits might show.
2013-09-14 12:41 pm
It is really gross to have hairy armpits especially for girls. It was the first place I used to shave but now I wax and shave my whole body. Sometime in your life, you will have to shave them so why not do it now? Besides it doesn't even take that long and its so easy
2013-09-14 12:06 pm
If you don't want to don't do it! I personally don't like girls with hairy arm pits, but do what you want!!
2013-09-15 6:09 am
You just have to , its not fun for anyone but that's life.
you cant exactly go swimming with underarm hair , i did once and it was really embarrassing.

2013-09-14 2:36 pm
You don't HAVE to do anything, but people are jerks. Your options are
Leave it and risk people teasing you. With this option you have to remember that you're 14. You most likely won't care about this when you grow up.
Shave the night before your swim practice. You'll only be uncomfortable a little and people will leave you alone.
Look into other hair removal options. There's products like Nair, or you could wax so it won't come back as quickly.
Personally I would go with shaving the night before if not always. I understand you are uncomfortable with shaving and I'm sorry, but it does make me wonder if you are doing it right. Not judging you saying you don't, but maybe google it just in case and you'll feel more comfortable. The fact that you feel like it is a waste of time is true if you just don't care if they do have hair and that's okay. I only do it because the feeling of the hair bugs the **** out of me.
2013-09-14 5:09 am
get them waxed once a month or use nair

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